Wednesday, March 16, 2011

RG08: SICK DAY #1 playlist

Raumpatrouille Orion - G. S. O., Science Fiction Movie Themes (Film Score Anthology)

Earache My Eye- Cheech and Chong, Dr. Demento 20th Anniversary Collection - The Greatest Novelty Records Of All Time 

Callin' in Sick -Weird Al Yankovic, Bad Hair Day

CULTURE TIME WITH P.D.Q. BACH - Divers Ayres on Sundrie Notions #1 ("Do You Suffer") - P. D. Q. Bach, The Dreaded P.D.Q. Bach

Lily the Pink - the Brobdingnagian Bards, Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales

Lie Still, Little Bottle - They Might Be Giants, Then: The Earlier Years

Medical Follies #1 - Redd Foxx, Best of Redd Foxx: Comedy Stew

Elephantoplasty - Monty Python, The Monty Python Matching Tie and Handkerchief

Without My Tonsils -Lemon Demon, Hip to the Javabean (special MP3 content of pre-CD record Live from the Haunted Candle Shop)

S-N (Snore, Sniff and Sneeze) - Tom Lehrer, The Remains of Tom Lehrer

Pac-Man Fever - Jerry Buckner, Pac-Man Fever

The Flu - Sudden Death (Devo Spice), Fatal Error

Halitosis - Max DeGroot, A Tail Told by an Idiot

A VERY LONG COG MOMENT: Krazed Archer and Black Plague (original) - Consortium of Genius, 10th Anniversary 1996-2006

A Dinner for the Common Cold?- Stan Freberg, Tip Of The Freberg (Includes Video)

Tom Smith Disease - Tom Smith, Plugged
The Return of the King, Uh-Huh - Tom Smith, Debasement Tapes
Hey, it's Can(n)on - Tom Smith, iTom 1.0: and So It Begins
Be Our GoH - Tom Smith, Debasement Tapes
Dead Again - Tom Smith, iTom 4.0: Smith and Legend
Dammit, They're Felt and Legumes - Tom Smith, Debasement Tapes
CYA - Tom Smith, Songs of the FuMP Vol. 1

SchadenfreudeAvenue Q (2003 Original Broadway Cast)

Act 1: Monks Chant / He is Not Dead YetMonty Python's Spamalot (2005 Original Broadway Cast)

The Cheat is Not Dead - Strong Bad, Strong Bad Sings and Other Type Hits

I Feel Better than James Brown - Was (Not Was), Pick of the Litter 1980-2010

Gyopi-Chan the Super Goldfish - Kingyo Chuuihou (Goldfish Warning!) BGM Album

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